Estate Planning


Give your loved ones the everlasting gift of a smooth inheritance.  Ensure your assets are protected and your intentions are carried out.

We use concise, understandable language to convey your desires and ensure that carrying out your wishes is as smooth and stress free as possible for your loved ones.  Most simple estate plans can be completed largely by email or phone, often with only one in person meeting to finalize your estate plan.

All of our Estate Plans include, at a minimum:

  • Last Will and Testament
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Durable Financial Power of Attorney
  • Healthcare Directive “Living Will”
  • Declaration of Disposition of Remains (if desired)



Many people put off estate planning out of fear that the process will be confusing, lengthy and expensive.  We provide an understandable and efficient process that makes it easy for everyone to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with planning for your loved ones and avoiding the stress of uncertainty.

We find that for most of our clients, a will is the best estate planning document. However, some clients have special situations that may be better addressed with a trust. For example, parents with a differently abled child may wish to draw up a special needs trust that specifically provides for that child. Clients with real estate in different states are often best served by putting that out of state property in a trust.  Some people may want to plan to ensure that their beloved pets are cared for.  Whatever their circumstances, our clients have relied on us since 1973 to help them choose the best solution for their estate planning needs

Estate plans should be revisited every 5 years or at least at each major life event, such as a birth, death, marriage or divorce, to ensure that they continue to capture your goals.

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