Employment Law

In Shoreline, Washington, Hawkes Law Firmour attorneys use their experience, knowledge and skills to represent employers and employees. Our cases involve a wide range of issues, from discrimination claims to breaches of employment contracts.

Representing Employers

Our representation is characterized by concern for the clients and a dedication to securing the best possible outcome for them. If our client is a small business, we understand that employment disputes take valuable time and money away from the company. The success of the client’s business is our goal, and we work hard to provide cost effective representation to achieve the desired results.


Representing Employees

If the client is an employee, that person’s rights under the law are paramount. Our lawyers seek justice on behalf of employees who experienced discrimination, were harassed or were wrongly terminated. We know that matters such as these cause financial hardship, stress, anxiety and even depression. We are sensitive to the needs of clients in such circumstances, and take the time necessary to learn about their concerns and situations.


Employment Law Issues

We represent employers and employees in matters such as:

  • Age, gender, disability, religious, veteran’s status and racial discrimination claims
  • Sexual harassment claims
  • Violations of non-disclosure and non-compete agreements in employment contracts
  • Wrongful Termination claims
  • Family Medical Leave Act disputes
  • Overtime pay claims
  • Independent contractor issues

In addition to litigating problems such as these, our lawyers draft contracts, advise on employee handbook matters, educate clients on legal issues related to employment and provide general human resources counsel to small business clients.

Because we handle both sides of employment matters, we are able to anticipate the strategy that the other side will use. We do not need to spend time to gain an understanding of the other side’s approach — we already know it. This benefits our clients because we are able to move cases along swiftly, resolving matters in a timely way.

To learn how our lawyers can assist you with any employment law matter, contact our Shoreline law firm by calling 206-367-5000.

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